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Vila moderna, duplex, totul nou, prima inchiriere, situata intr-un complex nou in Odaile, Otopeni, aproape de...
Ilfov - OtopeniANUNȚ POSTAT DE AGENȚIA HOME AGENCY REAL ESTATE. Va propunem, spre inchiriere, o casa P+1+M superba, la prima inchiriere...
Ilfov - OtopeniVila 4 camere în Complex Securizat - P+1 etaj - 120mp utili Localizare in Otopeni, Odaile, langa Penny Market, la aproximativ...
BucurestiANUNȚ POSTAT DE AGENȚIA AGENT REAL PRO. Vila superba de inchiriat, cu 4 camere, regim P+1+Pod, situata in orasul Otopeni zona Odaile, cu o suprafata totala de 124mp mp si teren total de 155mp, complet mobilata si utilata. Compartimentarea vilei se face astfel: Parter: living cu zona de dinning, bucatarie deschisa, hol, baie de serviciu, camera tehnica, terasa. Etaj: hol, dormitor 1 cu baie proprie, dormitor 2 cu baie proprie, dormitor 3. Pod: depozitare. Se preda mobilata si utilata complet, la prima inchiriere...
Ilfov - OtopeniANUNȚ POSTAT DE AGENȚIA AGENT REAL PRO. Vila tip Duplex situata in Otopeni Odaile aproape de DN1, suprafata utila 125mp, cu 4...
Ilfov - OtopeniProprietar persoana fizica inchiriez vila in Otopeni, Odaile. Vila este localizata intr-un cartier inchis, format din 10 case, organizate in 5 duplexuri, cartier finalizat in 2024, aflat pe Intrarea Izvoarelor nr.2. Casa se afla la prima inchiriere. Momentan mobila de bucatarie se afla in curs de comanda, putand inca sa fie customizata de catre chirias. Casa se inchiriaza fie doar cu mobila de bucatarie (echipata complet) fie se poate mobila in functiile de nevoile chiriasului. Suntem foarte flexibili in a customiza mobilarea/echiparea casei. La parter se afla bucataria (inchisa), livingul luminos (cu iesire catre terasa si curte) si o baie. La etaj avem 3 dormitoare (cel matrimonial cu baie proprie) si o baie comuna pentru cele 2 dormitoare. Exista si un pod care poate servi pentru depozitare. Toate utilitatile sunt instalate si contorizate separat. Apa este furnizata de catre Veolia (eliminand sursa de calcar specifica puturilor din zona). Ambele niveluri ale casei au incalzire in pardoseala. Curtea este in amenajare, urmand a fi montat gazonul. Sunt prevazute 2 locuri de parcare generoase (cu loc separat de biciclete, motociclete, etc..). Nu exista niciun comision iar la pret nu se aplica TVA. Owner, natural person, rents the villa in Otopeni, Odaile. The villa is located in a closed compound made up of 10 houses, organized in 5 duplexes, the whole compound completed in 2024, located on Intrarea Izvoarelor no. 2. The house is on the first lease. At the moment, the kitchen furniture is being ordered, and can still be customized by the tenant. The house is rented either only with kitchen furniture (fully equipped) or it can be furnished according to the tenant's needs. We are very flexible in customizing the furniture/equipment of the house. On the ground floor there is the kitchen (closed), a bright living room (exiting to the terrace and courtyard) and a bathroom. Upstairs we have 3 bedrooms (the matrimonial one with its own bathroom) and a common bathroom for the 2 bedrooms. There is also a loft that can be used for storage. All utilities are installed and metered separately. The water is supplied by Veolia (eliminating the limestone source specific to the wells in the area). Both levels of the house have underfloor heating. The yard is under construction, the lawn will be installed very soon. There are 2 generous parking lots provided (with a separate place for bicycles, motorcycles, etc.). There is no commission and the price is the net one, VAT not being applicable.
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