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hotel resort de vanzare in venus de vânzare

6 găsite

Oportunitate investitie- complex hotelier langa mare | Venus

Spatii comerciale

ANUNȚ POSTAT DE AGENȚIA CITY IMOB INVEST. CityImob Invest are placerea de a va prezenta oportunitatea unica de a achizitiona un complex hotelier localizat in statiunea Venus, la doar 150 m de plaja. Teren total de 17300 mp, cu doua cladiri cu unitati de cazare, receptie, bar si parcare, permite multiple posibilitati de extindere si adaptare in functie de viziunea noului proprietar. Primul corp, cu regim de inaltime P+3, are suprafata construita la sol de 979 mp, suprafata utila de aproximativ 3500 mp, iar in momentul de fata este impartit in 131 de camere si 7 oficii. Al doilea corp, in forma de U, cu regim de inaltime P+1, are o suprafata construita la sol de 870 mp, suprafata utila de aproximativ 1600 mp si cuprinde 52 de camere si 2 oficii. Imobilele sunt complet functionale, mobilate si utilate modern, camerele sunt duble sau triple, fiecare dintre ele este dota cu baie proprie. Camerele au terase sau acces la gradina, accentuand ideea de "VACANTA" si de a petrece timpul intr-un cadru cu multa verdeata langa briza marii. Complexul a fost construit in 1968, iar ultima renovare a avut loc in 2021 cand au fost schimbate integral instalatiile electrice si sanitare si au fost reamenajate camerele. Curtea intruneste calitati care evidentiaza hotelul prin: multitudinea spatiilor bogate in vegetatie, zonelor de recreere, piscina exterioara si incalzita de 16/12 m, iar pentru cei activi exista atat un teren de sport multifunctional cat si un spatiu de joaca pentru cei mici. Suprafata generoasa a terenului, posibilitatea de dezvolatare si reconfigurare a cladirilor, recomanda intreaga proprietate pentru un viitor resort, foarte bine pozitionat in statiunea Venus. Profitati de pozitia avantajoasa si de o zona in continua dezvoltare si modernizare pentru a garanta succesul investitiei dumneavoastra! Separat se poate achizitiona si restaurantul din fata hotelului cu acces direct pe plaja concesionata. Daca oferta noastra v-a capatta atentia, va rog sa ne contactati!

Constanta - Venus
€ 17.000.000

14700 m²

192 Camere

183 Băi

Vizualizare detaliată

Oportunitate investitie- complex hotelier langa mare | Venus

Spatii comerciale

ANUNȚ POSTAT DE AGENȚIA CITY IMOB INVEST. CityImob Invest are placerea de a va prezenta oportunitatea unica de a achizitiona un complex hotelier localizat in statiunea Venus, la doar 150 m de plaja. Teren total de 17300 mp, cu doua cladiri cu unitati de cazare, receptie, bar si parcare, permite multiple posibilitati de extindere si adaptare in functie de viziunea noului proprietar. Primul corp, cu regim de inaltime P+3, are suprafata construita la sol de 979 mp, suprafata utila de aproximativ 3500 mp, iar in momentul de fata este impartit in 131 de camere si 7 oficii. Al doilea corp, in forma de U, cu regim de inaltime P+1, are o suprafata construita la sol de 870 mp, suprafata utila de aproximativ 1600 mp si cuprinde 52 de camere si 2 oficii. Imobilele sunt complet functionale, mobilate si utilate modern, camerele sunt duble sau triple, fiecare dintre ele este dota cu baie proprie. Camerele au terase sau acces la gradina, accentuand ideea de "VACANTA" si de a petrece timpul intr-un cadru cu multa verdeata langa briza marii. Complexul a fost construit in 1968, iar ultima renovare a avut loc in 2021 cand au fost schimbate integral instalatiile electrice si sanitare si au fost reamenajate camerele. Curtea intruneste calitati care evidentiaza hotelul prin: multitudinea spatiilor bogate in vegetatie, zonelor de recreere, piscina exterioara si incalzita de 16/12 m, iar pentru cei activi exista atat un teren de sport multifunctional cat si un spatiu de joaca pentru cei mici. Suprafata generoasa a terenului, posibilitatea de dezvolatare si reconfigurare a cladirilor, recomanda intreaga proprietate pentru un viitor resort, foarte bine pozitionat in statiunea Venus. Profitati de pozitia avantajoasa si de o zona in continua dezvoltare si modernizare pentru a garanta succesul investitiei dumneavoastra! Separat se poate achizitiona si restaurantul din fata hotelului cu acces direct pe plaja concesionata. Daca oferta noastra v-a capatta atentia, va rog sa ne contactati!

Constanta - Venus
€ 17.000.000

14700 m²

192 Camere

183 Băi

Vizualizare detaliată

Investment Opportunity - Hotel Complex Near the Sea | Venus

Spatii comerciale

ANUNȚ POSTAT DE AGENȚIA CITY IMOB INVEST. CityImob Invest is pleased to present a unique opportunity to acquire a hotel complex located in the Venus resort, just 150 meters from the beach. The total land area is 17,300 square meters and includes two buildings with accommodation units, a reception area, a bar, and parking, allowing for multiple possibilities of expansion and adaptation according to the vision of the new owner. The first building, with a height of ground floor plus three stories (G+3), has a built area of 979 square meters on the ground and a usable area of approximately 3,500 square meters. Currently, it is divided into 131 rooms and 7 offices. The second building, in a "U" shape, with a height of ground floor plus one story (G+1), has a built area of 870 square meters on the ground and a usable area of approximately 1,600 square meters, comprising 52 rooms and 2 offices. The properties are fully operational, furnished, and modernly equipped. The rooms are double or triple, each with its own bathroom. The rooms have terraces or access to the garden, emphasizing the idea of a "VACATION" and spending time in a lush green setting near the sea breeze. The complex was built in 1968, and the last renovation took place in 2021, during which the electrical and plumbing systems were completely replaced, and the rooms were refurbished. The courtyard features qualities that highlight the hotel through: a multitude of vegetation-rich spaces, recreational areas, an outdoor heated pool measuring 16/12 meters, and for the active guests, there is both a multifunctional sports field and a playground for children. The generous land area, the possibility of developing and reconfiguring the buildings, recommends the entire property as a future resort, very well positioned in the Venus resort. Take advantage of the advantageous location and an area in continuous development and modernization to guarantee the success of your investment! Additionally, the restaurant in front of the hotel with direct access to the leased beach can be purchased separately. If our offer has caught your attention, please contact us!

Constanta - Venus
€ 17.000.000

14700 m²

192 Camere

183 Băi

Vizualizare detaliată

Investment Opportunity - Hotel Complex Near the Sea | Venus

Spatii comerciale

ANUNȚ POSTAT DE AGENȚIA CITY IMOB INVEST. CityImob Invest is pleased to present a unique opportunity to acquire a hotel complex located in the Venus resort, just 150 meters from the beach. The total land area is 17,300 square meters and includes two buildings with accommodation units, a reception area, a bar, and parking, allowing for multiple possibilities of expansion and adaptation according to the vision of the new owner. The first building, with a height of ground floor plus three stories (G+3), has a built area of 979 square meters on the ground and a usable area of approximately 3,500 square meters. Currently, it is divided into 131 rooms and 7 offices. The second building, in a "U" shape, with a height of ground floor plus one story (G+1), has a built area of 870 square meters on the ground and a usable area of approximately 1,600 square meters, comprising 52 rooms and 2 offices. The properties are fully operational, furnished, and modernly equipped. The rooms are double or triple, each with its own bathroom. The rooms have terraces or access to the garden, emphasizing the idea of a "VACATION" and spending time in a lush green setting near the sea breeze. The complex was built in 1968, and the last renovation took place in 2021, during which the electrical and plumbing systems were completely replaced, and the rooms were refurbished. The courtyard features qualities that highlight the hotel through: a multitude of vegetation-rich spaces, recreational areas, an outdoor heated pool measuring 16/12 meters, and for the active guests, there is both a multifunctional sports field and a playground for children. The generous land area, the possibility of developing and reconfiguring the buildings, recommends the entire property as a future resort, very well positioned in the Venus resort. Take advantage of the advantageous location and an area in continuous development and modernization to guarantee the success of your investment! Additionally, the restaurant in front of the hotel with direct access to the leased beach can be purchased separately. If our offer has caught your attention, please contact us!

Constanta - Venus
€ 17.000.000

14700 m²

192 Camere

183 Băi

Vizualizare detaliată

Hotel + resort de vanzare in Venus

Spatii comerciale

La doar 150 m distanta de plaja, Hotel Ammon este de fapt un mic resort care se intinde pe o suprafata totala de 11.500 mp, inaugurat...

Constanta - Mangalia
€ 5.500.000

3600 m²

176 Camere

Vizualizare detaliată

Oportunitate investitie- complex hotelier langa mare | Venus

Spatii comerciale

ANUNȚ POSTAT DE AGENȚIA CITY IMOB INVEST. CityImob Invest are placerea de a va prezenta oportunitatea unica de a achizitiona un complex hotelier localizat in statiunea Venus, la doar 150 m de plaja. Teren total de 17300 mp, cu doua cladiri cu unitati de cazare, receptie, bar si parcare, permite multiple posibilitati de extindere si adaptare in functie de viziunea noului proprietar. Primul corp, cu regim de inaltime P+3, are suprafata construita la sol de 979 mp, suprafata utila de aproximativ 3500 mp, iar in momentul de fata este impartit in 131 de camere si 7 oficii. Al doilea corp, in forma de U, cu regim de inaltime P+1, are o suprafata construita la sol de 870 mp, suprafata utila de aproximativ 1600 mp si cuprinde 52 de camere si 2 oficii. Imobilele sunt complet functionale, mobilate si utilate modern, camerele sunt duble sau triple, fiecare dintre ele este dota cu baie proprie. Camerele au terase sau acces la gradina, accentuand ideea de "VACANTA" si de a petrece timpul intr-un cadru cu multa verdeata langa briza marii. Complexul a fost construit in 1968, iar ultima renovare a avut loc in 2021 cand au fost schimbate integral instalatiile electrice si sanitare si au fost reamenajate camerele. Curtea intruneste calitati care evidentiaza hotelul prin: multitudinea spatiilor bogate in vegetatie, zonelor de recreere, piscina exterioara si incalzita de 16/12 m, iar pentru cei activi exista atat un teren de sport multifunctional cat si un spatiu de joaca pentru cei mici. Suprafata generoasa a terenului, posibilitatea de dezvolatare si reconfigurare a cladirilor, recomanda intreaga proprietate pentru un viitor resort, foarte bine pozitionat in statiunea Venus. Profitati de pozitia avantajoasa si de o zona in continua dezvoltare si modernizare pentru a garanta succesul investitiei dumneavoastra! Separat se poate achizitiona si restaurantul din fata hotelului cu acces direct pe plaja concesionata. Daca oferta noastra v-a capatta atentia, va rog sa ne contactati!

Constanta - Venus
€ 17.000.000

14700 m²

192 Camere

183 Băi

Vizualizare detaliată

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