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Andra Voicu ^ Global Home Romania ^ Real Estate Broker ^ Imobiliare Apartament de lux cu 4 camere, situat in zona...
BucurestiCosmin Vasilache ^ Global Home Romania ^ Real Estate Broker ^ Real Estate First Rent - Private Terrace Floor 6 - 136sqm 2 Parking Spaces - Underground Area Penthouse...
Bucuresti - Bucurestii noiCosmin Vasilache ^ Global Home Romania ^ Real Estate Broker ^ Real Estate First Rent - Private Terrace Floor 6 - 136sqm 2 Parking Spaces - Underground Area Penthouse...
Bucuresti - Bucurestii noiCosmin Vasilache ^ Global Home Romania ^ Real Estate Broker ^ Real Estate First Rent - Private Terrace Floor 6 - 136sqm 2 Parking Spaces - Underground Area Penthouse with 4 rooms - 2 bathrooms - own terrace in use on the 6th floor with individual access from the balcony and 2 parking spaces in the underground area. Residential project - Pipera No. 1, located in the highly sought-after neighborhood near Promenada Mall (10 minutes), this remarkable penthouse perfectly combines the comfort of urban amenities with the tranquility of a residential retreat near Lake Pipera. Pipera No. 1 boasts an enviable location, strategically positioned in the vicinity of multiple residential projects in the North of Bucharest, such as Avalon, Cortina North, H Pipera Lake, My Place and Ambiance, enjoying the dynamic energy of a thriving community in balance with quietness - the much-desired residential privacy. The penthouse benefits from a useful compartmentalization, for sale a spacious living room - open space type as well as storage spaces alongside elegantly arranged dressing areas, during the viewing we will find one of the rooms unfurnished, the owner offers the possibility for the future tenant to decide on the furniture, both residential or office for people with professional activity at home. Within the property, every detail has been meticulously cared for to provide a complete residential experience. Embracing a contemporary design philosophy, the interior has been meticulously crafted in collaboration with interior design specialists. RESIDENTIAL DETAILS - PIPERA 1 Pipera 1 is the newest, modern and exclusive residential complex in Pipera that offers you a select lifestyle, luxury finishes, spacious compartments and state-of-the-art equipment. Pipera 1 benefits from quick access to all the points of interest of an urban life, being close to the major commercial areas of the capital. The PIPERA 1 Residential Complex is located in the NORTH area of Bucharest, having quick access to the main arteries of the capital as well as the many commercial areas nearby. The PIPERA 1 project is located on Bld Pipera No. 1, in a quiet area dominated by houses and villas near Promendata Mall - Aviation Zone DETAILS INTERIOR FINISHES: 10 mm thick parquet, heavy traffic in rooms and hallways; Marazzi tiles and tiles in the kitchen and bathrooms; Sanswiss brand ergonomic sanitary systems of high quality that do not leave traces of limescale. Salamander PVC carpentry with 5 rooms and tripane glass, low-e for good sound insulation and to maintain heat in winter and reflect the sun's rays in summer. Pinum interior doors in veneer with cellular sheet for sound insulation. Pinum Metalica reinforced door. ________________________________________________________ Global Home Romania, este o firmă în schimbare de jocuri pe piață imobiliară din România ce se afla intr-o expansiune rapidă. Modelul hibrid între tehnologie și interacțiune umană alături de colaboratorii firmei, inspiră constant încredere. Având o abordare de marketing profesională și îndrăzneță a ridicat atenția asupra modului în care oamenii se gândesc la imobiliare. Global Home Romania continuă să se dezvolte cu succes în domeniul imobiliar, reușind să adune constant parteneri și colaboratori de încredere. Cu sediul în București, Global Home Romania, a apărut ca o firmă de încredere imobiliară ce își propune constant să livreze servicii de calitate. S-a lansat ca un strălucitor ambasador al Bucureștiului și continuă să reprezinte cu succes diverse proprietăți din capitala României în colaborare cu cei mai sofisticați cumpărători și investitori.
Bucuresti - 1 maiCosmin Vasilache ^ Global Home Romania ^ Real Estate Broker ^ Real Estate First Rent - Private Terrace Floor 6 - 136sqm 2 Parking Spaces - Underground Area Penthouse...
Bucuresti - Bucurestii noiCosmin Vasilache ^ Global Home Romania ^ Real Estate Broker ^ Real Estate First Rent - Private Terrace Floor 6 - 136sqm 2 Parking Spaces - Underground Area Penthouse...
Bucuresti - Bucurestii noiCosmin Vasilache ^ Global Home Romania ^ Real Estate Broker ^ Real Estate First Rent - Private Terrace Floor 6 - 136sqm 2 Parking Spaces - Underground Area Penthouse...
Bucuresti - Bucurestii noiCosmin Vasilache ^ Global Home Romania ^ Real Estate Broker ^ Real Estate First Rent - Private Terrace Floor 6 - 136sqm 2 Parking Spaces - Underground Area Penthouse...
Bucuresti - Bucurestii noiCosmin Vasilache ^ Global Home Romania ^ Real Estate Broker ^ Real Estate First Rent - Private Terrace Floor 6 - 136sqm 2 Parking Spaces - Underground Area Penthouse...
Bucuresti - Bucurestii noiANUNȚ POSTAT DE AGENȚIA GKOTSI PROPERTIES. Va propunem spre inchiriere un apartament premium de 4 camere in...
Bucuresti - PiperaAndra Voicu ^ Global Home Romania ^ Real Estate Broker ^ Imobiliare Apartament de lux cu 4 camere, situat in zona...
Bucuresti - Bucurestii noiUpsidetown.ro Pret 1300 eur + 19% tva = 1547 eur Va oferim spre inchiriere un duplex cu vedere deosebita pe 3 laturi. Primul etaj este format din living, baie,...
Bucuresti - Bucurestii noiCosmin Vasilache ^ Global Home Romania ^ Real Estate Broker ^ Real Estate First Rent - Private Terrace Floor 6 - 136sqm 2 Parking Spaces - Underground Area Penthouse with 4 rooms - 2 bathrooms - own terrace in use on the 6th floor with individual access from the balcony and 2 parking spaces in the underground area. Residential project - Pipera No. 1, located in the highly sought-after neighborhood near Promenada Mall (10 minutes), this remarkable penthouse perfectly combines the comfort of urban amenities with the tranquility of a residential retreat near Lake Pipera. Pipera No. 1 boasts an enviable location, strategically positioned in the vicinity of multiple residential projects in the North of Bucharest, such as Avalon, Cortina North, H Pipera Lake, My Place and Ambiance, enjoying the dynamic energy of a thriving community in balance with quietness - the much-desired residential privacy. The penthouse benefits from a useful compartmentalization, for sale a spacious living room - open space type as well as storage spaces alongside elegantly arranged dressing areas, during the viewing we will find one of the rooms unfurnished, the owner offers the possibility for the future tenant to decide on the furniture, both residential or office for people with professional activity at home. Within the property, every detail has been meticulously cared for to provide a complete residential experience. Embracing a contemporary design philosophy, the interior has been meticulously crafted in collaboration with interior design specialists. RESIDENTIAL DETAILS - PIPERA 1 Pipera 1 is the newest, modern and exclusive residential complex in Pipera that offers you a select lifestyle, luxury finishes, spacious compartments and state-of-the-art equipment. Pipera 1 benefits from quick access to all the points of interest of an urban life, being close to the major commercial areas of the capital. The PIPERA 1 Residential Complex is located in the NORTH area of Bucharest, having quick access to the main arteries of the capital as well as the many commercial areas nearby. The PIPERA 1 project is located on Bld Pipera No. 1, in a quiet area dominated by houses and villas near Promendata Mall - Aviation Zone DETAILS INTERIOR FINISHES: 10 mm thick parquet, heavy traffic in rooms and hallways; Marazzi tiles and tiles in the kitchen and bathrooms; Sanswiss brand ergonomic sanitary systems of high quality that do not leave traces of limescale. Salamander PVC carpentry with 5 rooms and tripane glass, low-e for good sound insulation and to maintain heat in winter and reflect the sun's rays in summer. Pinum interior doors in veneer with cellular sheet for sound insulation. Pinum Metalica reinforced door.
Bucuresti - 1 maiCosmin Vasilache ^ Global Home Romania ^ Real Estate Broker ^ Real Estate First Rent - Private Terrace Floor 6 - 136sqm 2 Parking Spaces - Underground Area Penthouse with 4 rooms - 2 bathrooms - own terrace in use on the 6th floor with individual access from the balcony and 2 parking spaces in the underground area. Residential project - Pipera No. 1, located in the highly sought-after neighborhood near Promenada Mall (10 minutes), this remarkable penthouse perfectly combines the comfort of urban amenities with the tranquility of a residential retreat near Lake Pipera. Pipera No. 1 boasts an enviable location, strategically positioned in the vicinity of multiple residential projects in the North of Bucharest, such as Avalon, Cortina North, H Pipera Lake, My Place and Ambiance, enjoying the dynamic energy of a thriving community in balance with quietness - the much-desired residential privacy. The penthouse benefits from a useful compartmentalization, for sale a spacious living room - open space type as well as storage spaces alongside elegantly arranged dressing areas, during the viewing we will find one of the rooms unfurnished, the owner offers the possibility for the future tenant to decide on the furniture, both residential or office for people with professional activity at home. Within the property, every detail has been meticulously cared for to provide a complete residential experience. Embracing a contemporary design philosophy, the interior has been meticulously crafted in collaboration with interior design specialists. RESIDENTIAL DETAILS - PIPERA 1 Pipera 1 is the newest, modern and exclusive residential complex in Pipera that offers you a select lifestyle, luxury finishes, spacious compartments and state-of-the-art equipment. Pipera 1 benefits from quick access to all the points of interest of an urban life, being close to the major commercial areas of the capital. The PIPERA 1 Residential Complex is located in the NORTH area of Bucharest, having quick access to the main arteries of the capital as well as the many commercial areas nearby. The PIPERA 1 project is located on Bld Pipera No. 1, in a quiet area dominated by houses and villas near Promendata Mall - Aviation Zone DETAILS INTERIOR FINISHES: 10 mm thick parquet, heavy traffic in rooms and hallways; Marazzi tiles and tiles in the kitchen and bathrooms; Sanswiss brand ergonomic sanitary systems of high quality that do not leave traces of limescale. Salamander PVC carpentry with 5 rooms and tripane glass, low-e for good sound insulation and to maintain heat in winter and reflect the sun's rays in summer. Pinum interior doors in veneer with cellular sheet for sound insulation. Pinum Metalica reinforced door.
Bucuresti - 1 maiANG Luxury Properties va invita sa descoperiți eleganța și confortul absolut în acest penthouse exclusivist situat pe prestigiosul Bulevard...
BucurestiANUNȚ POSTAT DE AGENȚIA GALACTIC HOUSE. Am placerea sa va prezint un penthouse de 4 camere in zona...
Bucuresti - PiperaREA1021954 SVN Residentialist va propune spre vanzare un apartament de 3 camere in Cloud 9 Residence, un complex rezidential...
ClujDezvoltator, 0 comision! Vand apartament decomandat cu 2 camere, proiectul este situat in Sectorul 4 al Capitalei,...
Pret 1490 eur + 19% tva = 1775 eur Va oferim spre inchiriere un duplex cu vedere deosebita pe 3 laturi. Primul etaj este format din living, baie, bucatarie, zona de dining si 3 balcoane Etajul superior este formati din 1 dormitor master cu dresing si baie, si un dormitor de oaspeti si baie. Complet mobilat si utilat. Incalzire in pardoseala, centrala proprie. 2 locuri de parcare. Belvedere Residences reprezintă o nouă filozofie de a locui, prin compartimentările inteligente ale apartamentelor, aliniate noilor tendințe de locuire, și prin infrastructura generală a proiectului, care va include numeroase facilități pentru locatari, precum spații comerciale la parterul imobilelor, spații verzi, curți interioare spațioase, locuri de joacă pentru copii, locuri de parcare subterane și supraterane, totul integrat într-o comunitate care privește cu încredere în viitor. În total, în cadrul Belvedere Residence vor fi 1556 de apartamente în 13 imobile. Etapa întâi de dezvoltare este deja finalizată și cuprinde 238 de apartamente grupate în două blocuri de 10 nivele, cu spații comerciale la parterul clădirilor, cu parcări subterane și supraterane, cu o curte interioară în care se vor regăsi atât locuri de joacă pentru copii, cât și zone cu spații verzi. Cea de-a doua etapa de dezvoltare este previzionată a se încheia în luna august 2019. Am dat startul și fazei III de dezvoltare, care va cuprinde 4 blocuri și 482 apartamente. Construim spații de locuit foarte diferite, concepute după nevoile și dorințele fiecăruia, existând astfel o posibilitate vastă de alegere a mai multor tipuri de apartamente (studiouri, studiouri duble, 2 camere, 3 camere, apartamente supraetajate). Acest proiect rezidențial reprezintă o adevarată o reîmprospătare a întregii zone situate la confluența dintre artera Barbu Văcărescu și cartierul Aviației, nu numai pentru că dă un nou echilibru dezvoltărilor din această zonă, ci și pentru că reprezintă o alternativă viabilă de locuire pentru zecile de mii de angajați care lucrează în sutele de corporații din clădirile de birouri aflate în imediata proximitate. Astfel, se va reduce semnificativ traficul în zonă și se va crea o un nou pol urban complet și modern.
Bucuresti(cod7294) | Agentia ORIENT IMOBILIAR va propune spre achizitie in Constanta, zona INEL II , bloc NOU , apartament 2 camere de vanzare, suprafata 53mp, etaj 6/11 prevazut cu 2 lifturi, mobilat, utilat modern , centrala gaze , clasa energetica A, cadastru si intabulare. Pret 112.000 Euro (+2% comisionul agentiei) . Pentru mai multe detalii sunati la numarul de telefon 0747_074_966 .
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