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Agenția imobiliară Karimob vă propune oportunitatea de inchiriere a unui apartament de 3 camere, situat in zona 0 a orasului...
Bihor - OradeaAgentia imobiliara D`Art Imob va ofera un apartament lux cu 2 camere de inchiriat, situat ultracentral in Oradea. Apartamentul masoara o suprafata utila de 59.8mp si este decomandat, amplasat la etajul 1/4 intr-un bloc nou cu lifturi moderne, supraveghere video si video interfon. Se compune din hol de acces, living cu iesire pe un balcon deschis, dormitor, bucatarie cu loc de luat masa, dressing, baie cu geam si dus cu panou de sticla. Ferestrele sunt cu geam termopan, au spatii vitrate mari si rolete cu telecomanda. Apartamentul este luminos pe toata durata zilei, amenajat modern, dotat cu mobilier de calitate . Electrocasnicele pe care le gasiti in apartament sunt : frigider, hota, cuptor si plita electrica, cuptor cu microunde, masina de spalat vase, masina de spalat rufe, uscator de rufe, televizor, aer conditionat, aspirator, fier de calcat, masa de calcat, cafetiera. Incalzirea in pardoseala este asigurata de centrala proprie a blocului, cu contorizare individuala. Pentru amenajarea acestei proprietati s-au folosit serviciile unui designer, acestea reflectandu-se cel mai bine in estetica placuta, maximizarea spatiului util oferit, cat si punerea in evidenta a unor elemente specifice. Baia este placata complet cu marmura, blaturile mobilei de bucatarie, masa si blatul de la chiuveta din baie sunt tot din marmura. Aspectul luxuriant al apartamentului se vede de la intrare, holul este placat cu marmura iar decoratiunile rafineaza peretii apartamentului. Corpurile de iluminat transforma spațiul nu doar din punct de vedere funcțional, ci și estetic, prin stilul modern si luxos pe care îl reprezintă. Texturile lucioase și satinate, catifeaua și accentele metalice fac ca acest apartament să fie unul cu adevărat rafinat, impecabil si foarte confortabil. Apartamentul este situat in zona centrala a municipiului Oradea, intr-un bloc nou. Ofera avantajul de a ajunge in timp relativ scurt in zonele principale de interes ale orasului. Este un spatiu calduros si primitor unde va veti simti ca acasa. Parcarea este inclusa in pretul inchirierii. Este situat in apropiere de scoli, gradinite,, statii ale mijloacelor de transport in comun. Pretul pentru acest apartament cu 2 camere de inchiriat este de 700 euro/luna. Pentru detalii suplimentare, informatii si vizite, ne puteti contacta la: Nr. Tel.: 0722701434 – Cristina Vatca e-mail: Sau la sectiunea contact din site-ul nostru: www.dartimob.ro De asemenea, ofertele noastre le puteti viziona si pe Facebook, accesand pagina D’Art Imob. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The real estate agency D'Art Imob offers you a luxury apartment with 2 rooms for rent, located ultra-centrally in Oradea. The apartment measures a usable area of 59.8 square meters and is detached, located on the 1/4 floor in a new building with modern elevators, video surveillance and video intercom. It consists of entrance hall, living room with exit to an open balcony, bedroom, kitchen with dining area, dressing room, bathroom with glass and shower with glass panel. The windows are double-glazed, have large glazed areas and remote-controlled shutters. The apartment is bright throughout the day, modernly furnished, equipped with quality furniture. The appliances you will find in the apartment are: refrigerator, hood, oven and electric hob, microwave oven, dishwasher, washing machine, tumble dryer, TV, air conditioning, vacuum cleaner, iron and ironing board, coffee maker . The underfloor heating is provided by the block's own central heating system, with individual metering. For the arrangement of this property, the services of a designer were used, which are best reflected in the pleasant aesthetics, the maximization of the useful space offered, as well as the highlighting of some specific elements. The bathroom is completely tiled with marble, the tops of the kitchen furniture, the table and the top of the sink in the bathroom are also made of marble. The luxurious appearance of the apartment can be seen from the entrance, the hall is tiled with marble and the decorations refine the walls of the apartment. The lighting fixtures transform the space not only from a functional point of view, but also aesthetically, through the modern and luxurious style it represents. Glossy and satin textures, velvet and metallic accents make this apartment truly refined, impeccable and very comfortable. The apartment is located in the central area of Oradea, in a new building. It offers the advantage of arriving in a relatively short time in the main areas of interest of the city. It is a warm and welcoming space where you will feel at home. Parking is included in the rental price. It is located near schools, kindergartens, public transport stations. The price for this 2-room apartment for rent is 700 euros/month. For additional details, information and visits, you can contact us at: No. Tel.: 0722701434 – Cristina Vatca e-mail: Or at th
Bihor - OradeaD`Art Imob va ofera un apartament modern cu 3 camere de inchiriat situat ultracentral in Oradea. Apartamentul este situat la etajul 2 intr-un bloc nou si are dubla orientare. Se compune din: hol, living cu bucatarie si loc de luat masa open space, 2 dormitoare (fiecare cu acces pe balcon), baie cu dus si 2 balcoane. Are o suprafata utila de 70 mp. Este amenajat intr-un stil modern, dotat cu piese de mobilier facute la comanda si electrocasnice de calitate: frigider, hota, cuptor electric, plita electrica, masina de spalat rufe, masina de spalat vase, 3 televizoare si aparat de aer conditionat. Locuinta dispune de: gresie si faianta, parchet, geamuri termopan cu tamplarie PVC, usi de interior din MDF si usa metalica de siguranta, la intrare, videointerfon. Incalzirea este in pardoseala, cu centrala proprie pe gaz. Temperatura optima se poate regla prin termostatul ambiental. Apartamentul se inchiriaza complet mobilat si utilat. In pretul de inchiriere al apartamentului este inclus si un loc de parcare privat. Pretul pentru acest apartament modern cu 3 camere de inchiriat este de 700 euro/luna. Pentru detalii suplimentare, informatii si vizite, ne puteti contacta la: Nr. Tel.: 145 857 – Ramona Tica e-mail: Sau la sectiunea contact din site-ul nostru: www.dartimob.ro De asemenea, ofertele noastre le puteti viziona si pe Facebook, accesand pagina D’Art Imob. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D`Art Imob offers you a modern apartment with 3 rooms for rent located ultra-centrally in Oradea. The apartment is located on the 2nd floor in a new building and has a double orientation. It consists of: hall, living room with open space kitchen and dining area, 2 bedrooms (each with balcony access), bathroom with shower and 2 balconies. It has a usable area of 70 square meters. It is furnished in a modern style, equipped with custom-made furniture and quality appliances: refrigerator, hood, electric oven, electric stove, washing machine, dishwasher, 3 TVs and air conditioner. The house has: tiles and floor tiles, parquet, double-glazed windows with PVC joinery, MDF interior doors and a metal security door at the entrance, video intercom. The heating is in the floor, with its own gas central. The optimal temperature can be adjusted through the ambient thermostat. The apartment is rented fully furnished and equipped. A private parking space is included in the rental price of the apartment. The price for this modern apartment with 3 rooms for rent is 700 euros/month. For additional details, information and visits, you can contact us at: Nr. Tel .: – Ramona Tica e-mail: Or at the contact section of our site: www.dartimob.ro You can also view our offers on Facebook by accessing the D’Art Imob page.
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Bihor - OradeaAgentia imobiliara D`Art Imob va ofera un apartament lux cu 2 camere de inchiriat, situat ultracentral in Oradea. Apartamentul masoara o suprafata utila de 59.8mp si este decomandat, amplasat la etajul 1/4 intr-un bloc nou cu lifturi moderne, supraveghere video si video interfon. Se compune din hol de acces, living cu iesire pe un balcon deschis, dormitor, bucatarie cu loc de luat masa, dressing, baie cu geam si dus cu panou de sticla. Ferestrele sunt cu geam termopan, au spatii vitrate mari si rolete cu telecomanda. Apartamentul este luminos pe toata durata zilei, amenajat modern, dotat cu mobilier de calitate . Electrocasnicele pe care le gasiti in apartament sunt : frigider, hota, cuptor si plita electrica, cuptor cu microunde, masina de spalat vase, masina de spalat rufe, uscator de rufe, televizor, aer conditionat, aspirator, fier de calcat, masa de calcat, cafetiera. Incalzirea in pardoseala este asigurata de centrala proprie a blocului, cu contorizare individuala. Pentru amenajarea acestei proprietati s-au folosit serviciile unui designer, acestea reflectandu-se cel mai bine in estetica placuta, maximizarea spatiului util oferit, cat si punerea in evidenta a unor elemente specifice. Baia este placata complet cu marmura, blaturile mobilei de bucatarie, masa si blatul de la chiuveta din baie sunt tot din marmura. Aspectul luxuriant al apartamentului se vede de la intrare, holul este placat cu marmura iar decoratiunile rafineaza peretii apartamentului. Corpurile de iluminat transforma spațiul nu doar din punct de vedere funcțional, ci și estetic, prin stilul modern si luxos pe care îl reprezintă. Texturile lucioase și satinate, catifeaua și accentele metalice fac ca acest apartament să fie unul cu adevărat rafinat, impecabil si foarte confortabil. Apartamentul este situat in zona centrala a municipiului Oradea, intr-un bloc nou. Ofera avantajul de a ajunge in timp relativ scurt in zonele principale de interes ale orasului. Este un spatiu calduros si primitor unde va veti simti ca acasa. Parcarea este inclusa in pretul inchirierii. Este situat in apropiere de scoli, gradinite,, statii ale mijloacelor de transport in comun. Pretul pentru acest apartament cu 2 camere de inchiriat este de 700 euro/luna. Pentru detalii suplimentare, informatii si vizite, ne puteti contacta la: Nr. Tel.: 0722701434 – Cristina Vatca e-mail: Sau la sectiunea contact din site-ul nostru: www.dartimob.ro De asemenea, ofertele noastre le puteti viziona si pe Facebook, accesand pagina D’Art Imob. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The real estate agency D'Art Imob offers you a luxury apartment with 2 rooms for rent, located ultra-centrally in Oradea. The apartment measures a usable area of 59.8 square meters and is detached, located on the 1/4 floor in a new building with modern elevators, video surveillance and video intercom. It consists of entrance hall, living room with exit to an open balcony, bedroom, kitchen with dining area, dressing room, bathroom with glass and shower with glass panel. The windows are double-glazed, have large glazed areas and remote-controlled shutters. The apartment is bright throughout the day, modernly furnished, equipped with quality furniture. The appliances you will find in the apartment are: refrigerator, hood, oven and electric hob, microwave oven, dishwasher, washing machine, tumble dryer, TV, air conditioning, vacuum cleaner, iron and ironing board, coffee maker . The underfloor heating is provided by the block's own central heating system, with individual metering. For the arrangement of this property, the services of a designer were used, which are best reflected in the pleasant aesthetics, the maximization of the useful space offered, as well as the highlighting of some specific elements. The bathroom is completely tiled with marble, the tops of the kitchen furniture, the table and the top of the sink in the bathroom are also made of marble. The luxurious appearance of the apartment can be seen from the entrance, the hall is tiled with marble and the decorations refine the walls of the apartment. The lighting fixtures transform the space not only from a functional point of view, but also aesthetically, through the modern and luxurious style it represents. Glossy and satin textures, velvet and metallic accents make this apartment truly refined, impeccable and very comfortable. The apartment is located in the central area of Oradea, in a new building. It offers the advantage of arriving in a relatively short time in the main areas of interest of the city. It is a warm and welcoming space where you will feel at home. Parking is included in the rental price. It is located near schools, kindergartens, public transport stations. The price for this 2-room apartment for rent is 700 euros/month. For additional details
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