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2 camere intrarea in parcul cismigiu de închiriat

185 găsite

Casa moderna - Green City - 3 camere - 3 bai - 140mp utili


Vila moderna, spatioasa, situata in complexul modern si linistit Green City, 1 Decembrie - este alcatuita din parter si etaj - la parter gasim living...

Ilfov - 1 decembrie
€ 950

140 m²

3 Camere

Vizualizare detaliată

Apartament Lux Cismigiu


Inchiriez apartament Ultra Lux, Penthouse cu o terasa mare 20 mp cu Super View, Panorama Superba a Bucureștiului. Apartamentul este renovat acum, mobilat si utilat...

€ 750

80 m²

2 Camere

1 Băi

Vizualizare detaliată

Spatiu Comercial I Cismigiu I 210mp I Parter+Demisol

Spatii comerciale

ANUNȚ POSTAT DE AGENȚIA TIHON PROPERTIES. ID Anunt P153160 Spatiu Comercial de Inchiriat in Zona Cismigiu Potrivit pentru Horeca...

Bucuresti - Bucurestii noi
€ 2.000

210 m²

2 Camere

3 Băi

Vizualizare detaliată

Apartament Elegant in Cladire Reprezentativa, Central, Ideal Birouri de inchiriat Cismigiu, Bucuresti


ANUNȚ POSTAT DE AGENȚIA GALACTIC HOUSE. Ocupand intregul etaj 1 al unui bloc reprezentativ vis-a-vis de Palatul Unesco si intrarea dinspre Conservator...

Bucuresti - Bucurestii noi
€ 1.500

190 m²

5 Camere

3 Băi

Vizualizare detaliată

Casa frumoasa la intrarea in Dezmir, zona La 2 Pasi


Capital Imobiliare va propune spre vanzare fara comision din partea cumparatorului, o proprietate frumoasa si ingrijita situata in partea de jos...

€ 195.000 € 189.000

60 m²

2 Camere

Vizualizare detaliată

Apartament 2 camere Universitate - Cismigiu


Inchiriez apartament de 2 camere, amenajat modern in zona Universitate - Piata M Kogalniceanu, cu o privelişte...

Bucuresti - Bucurestii noi
€ 499

49 m²

Vizualizare detaliată

Garsoniera Calea Victoriei, mobilata,35mp,vedere fata,bloc termoizolat


Garsoniera mobilata complet si renovata , camera, baie si bucatarie in suprafata de 35mp, in bloc fara risc seismic,...

€ 570 € 550

55 m²

3 Camere

Vizualizare detaliată

Apartament 3 camere de inchiriat, parcare, zona centrala, bloc nou, Bd


Excelenta prin experienta! Va propunem spre inchiriere un apartament deosebit de frumos, cu 3 camere si loc parcare in...

€ 1.750 € 130.000

3 Camere

Vizualizare detaliată

Apt 2 dormitoare + hol locuibil, dec, mobilat, 2 balcoane,bloc solid, centrala proprie apt, Cismigiu


Apartament cu 2 dormitoare decomandate si hol locuibil, baie, bucatarie, 2 balcoane in str. Dr. Sion 1-9, la 200m...

Bucuresti - 1 mai
€ 800 € 900
Vizualizare detaliată

Apartament 2 camere cismigiu


Apartament langa Conservator, 2 min de intrarea in parcul Cismigiu. Apartamentul...

Bucuresti - 1 mai

Apartament langa Conservator,


Apartament langa Conservator, 2 min de intrarea in parcul Cismigiu. Apartamentul...

Bucuresti - Bucurestii noi

2 camere intrarea in parcul Cismigiu


Apartament langa Conservator, 2 min de intrarea in parcul Cismigiu. Apartamentul...

Bucuresti - 1 mai
€ 400

50 m²

Vizualizare detaliată

3 camere Upground lux | Aviatiei | 100 mp | Parcare subterana

Inchiriez apartament 3 camere (parcarea se inchiriaza separat), finisaje de lux: parchetul din lemn masiv sau triplu stratificat...

€ 1.050 € 85.000

100 m²

3 Camere

Vizualizare detaliată

Cortina North- apartament 2 camere cu parcare de inchiriat Pipera

DIRECT PROPRIETAR - COMISION 0% Apartament la prima închiriere, utilat și mobilat modern cu loc de parcare. Amplasarea ansamblului in zona de nord a capitalei ii confera avantajul unei pozitii perfecte in inima zonei de business a Bucurestiului. Ansamblul se bucura de vecinatatea centrului comercial Pipera Plaza (Lidl, WorldClass, Jysk etc.) FINISAJE: - Fatada ventilata; - Tamplarie PVC Schuco cu geam tripan termoizolant; - Ceramica Porcelanosa; - Obiecte sanitare Daniel Rubinetterie; - Parchet calitate superioara; - Usi de intrare securizate Pinum; - Usi interioare Filomuro. DOTARI: - Centrala termica Ariston individuala cu gaz; - Aer conditionat tip multisplit – Daikin; - Videointerfon; - Masina de spalat vase -Masina de spalat rufe -Fier de calcat -Esspressor Nespresso -Uscator de par -2 televizoare Smart

€ 750 € 800

55 m²

2 Camere

Vizualizare detaliată



ANUNȚ POSTAT DE AGENȚIA REOS GROUP IMOBILIARE. REOS Group va propune spre inchiriere un spatiu de birouri de 450 mp, amplasat ultracentral, la doar 2 minute de Parcul...

Bucuresti - Bucurestii noi
€ 5.000

20 m²

14 Camere

3 Băi

Vizualizare detaliată

Apartamente si spatii comerciale - EDA RESIDENCE

EDA RESIDENCE – Ultimele 2 apartamente disponibile. Blocul de apartamente este situat in partea de sus a orasului Nasaud, este...

€ 43.000 € 115.000

370 m²

Vizualizare detaliată

Vanzare Apartament 2 camere Victoriei - Ultracentral


Apartament 2 camere semidecomandat 44 m2 Zona ultracentrala, la 300m de Calea Victoriei parcuri in...

€ 59.500 € 60.900

90 m²

2 Camere

Vizualizare detaliată

2 camere Universitate_Intercontinental, stradal


ANUNȚ POSTAT DE AGENȚIA GAMA IMOBILIARE. Localizare si scurta desscriere GM1470 Universitate vav Intercontinental, stradal, apartament 2 camere, semidecomandat, suprafata 45 mp, etaj 5/7, imobil 1957, imobil incadrat in clasa de risc seismic 3. Apartamentul nu are balcon. Finisaje si dotari: Apartamentul este amenajat. Finisaje : vopsea lavabila, parchet, ferestre cu geam termopan, usile interioare sunt din lemn, iar usa de la intrare este metalica, contorizat cu apometre, complet mobilat, bucatarie complet mobilata si utilata, utilat cu aragaz, frigider, masina de spalat rufe. Vecinatati: Locatie ultracentrala , apartamentul este ideal pentru cei dependenti de avantajele oferite de o locuinta aflata in inima orasului : cafenele, restaurante, teatre, muzee, parcul Cismigiu si o multitudine de alte posibilitati de a petrece timpul liber , fara sa te plictisesti.

Bucuresti - Universitate
€ 400

45 m²

2 Camere

1 Băi

Vizualizare detaliată

Sala Palatului-Cismigiu-Ap. 5 cam. pretabil birou/locuinta.


ANUNȚ POSTAT DE AGENȚIA AIM HOUSE IMOBILIARE. Ultracentral,va propunem spre inchiriere apartament decomandat, renovat de 145mp utili- pretabil locuinta/birou/cabinet...

Bucuresti - Sala palatului
€ 1.400

145 m²

5 Camere

3 Băi

Vizualizare detaliată

Near Cismigiu Park, 3 room furnished apartment with garage, cat friendly


ANUNȚ POSTAT DE AGENȚIA SFINX IMOBILIARE. Hello, I'm Florina Mantescu and I recommend for your family's home this cozy apartment located on the 3rd floor in a building built in 2010 located right next to Cismigiu Park! The apartment consists of 3 rooms and is configured as follows: entrance hall, service bathroom, 2 bedrooms, bathroom with shower and window, living room with open kitchen, 2 balconies. The heating is done with its own central heating. For rent fully furnished. The list price includes the underground parking space. It can also be rented without the parking space, with a price reduction of 100 euros. The building is located right next to Cismigiu Park. In this area, apartments of this kind are very rare, in a new building, with an underground parking space. A maximum of 2 cats are accepted as pets. The apartment is rented until October 2. The history of the park Cismigiu It is said that the current Cismigiu park appeared by chance, 200 years ago, at a time when drinking water was not available anywhere in Bucharest, as the city did not have a sewage system, the authorities ordered the construction of two fountains (''cismea'' in Romanian language), one of them being located right next to the current Stirbei Voda street. Along with this fountain, a pond appeared in the area, the volume of which increased a lot, especially in the autumn months with abundant precipitation. Thus, the ruler Gheorghe Bibescu proposed the improvement of the area and wanting to offer the residents a civilized space for the promenade, he started the construction of the park. Having an English garden atmosphere, the plan of Cismigiu Park was conceived in 1845 by the German landscape architect Carl Meyer and was completed only in 1860, although its official opening took place in 1854. For its creation, over 30,000 trees were brought from the mountainous areas, while the exotic plants come from the botanical gardens in Vienna. The atmosphere of the Cismigiu Garden The alleys lined with impressive examples of protected trees, lawns with grass and flowers are lined with wooden chairs and benches. In Cismigiu you can always feed the pigeons that live in the aviaries specially set up in the park and that are very used to tourists. On the 17 hectares of the park, there is a Roman garden, laid out in the style of ancient Rome, the alleys of which are sprinkled with statues of famous writers, the lake that can be explored with rowing boats that can be rented, and the monument to the French Heroes, made of marble by Carrara by Ion Jalea, which commemorates the French soldiers killed on Romanian territory during the First World War. In the northern part of the park, visitors can admire a natural habitat set up for wild and domestic ducks, swans and geese. Art lovers can admire in the Writers' Rotunda an exhibition of sculptures that includes busts of famous poets, writers and playwrights: Ion Luca Caragiale, Nicolae Balcescu or Vasile Alecsandri. Other points of attraction The Sissi Stefanidi spring was placed in the Cismigiu Garden in memory of the daughter of the Stefanidi family who died young and is guarded by the statue representing a mother pouring water from a jug. The placement of the statue in the park was allowed because the land in that area was donated by the family to the local administration to be attached to the park. At the entrance from Regina Elisabeta Boulevard you can still admire the first newspaper kiosk in Bucharest. Artificial ice rink In winter, an outdoor artificial ice rink is set up on the lake with an area of 3,000 square meters and a capacity of over 1,000 people. The rink is generally open from December to the end of February every winter season. Near it, on the adjacent alleys, a Christmas market is set up where visitors can buy specific food products, gifts or souvenirs. Location Cismigiu Garden is located close to the Old Center and the nearest metro stations are Izvor and Universitate. Revolution Square and the National Art Museum of Romania are located nearby. The park is visited daily and there is no entrance fee. // Buna ziua, sunt Florina Mantescu si va recomand pentru locuinta familiei dumneavoastra acest apartament situat la etajul 3 intr-un imobil constructie 2010 amplasat chiar langa Parcul Cismigiu! Apartamentul se compune din 3 camere si este configurat astfel: hol de intrare, baie de serviciu, 2 dormitoare, baie cu dus si fereastra, living cu bucatarie deschisa, 2 balcoane. Incalzirea se face cu centrala termica proprie. Se inchiriaza complet mobilat. In pretul de lista este inclus locul de parcare subteran. Se poate inchiria si fara locul de parcare, cu o reducere de pret de 100 euro. Imobilul este amplasat chiar langa Parcul Cismigiu. In aceasta zona sunt foarte rare apartamentele de acest fel, in imbil nou, cu loc de parcare subteran. Ca animale de companie se accepta maxim 2 pisici. Apartamentul este inchiriat pana pe 2 octombrie. Istoria

Bucuresti - Sala palatului
€ 1.350

91 m²

3 Camere

2 Băi

Vizualizare detaliată

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